Our local schools are fantastic, and l’ve been fortunate to build great relationships with them all. From annual Colour Runs, to awards nights and even class visits to parliament, I do my best to support our schools in any way I can. These schools have been around for a while now and need some important facilities upgrades. If we get into government, the LNP have committed to hugely needed upgrades at:
Arundel State School
A new 2-storey learning centre which will replace old demountable classrooms at the cost of approx. $5 million.
Labrador State School
A new multipurpose hall, with much needed ventilation, staging and lighting. This $5.4 million development is vital not only for the students but for local community groups who currently don’t have access to any other facilities of this kind!
Musgrave Hill State School
An exciting new $50, 000 playground at Musgrave Hill will give students a safer, newer and funner space to spend their breaktimes!
Plans are also underway to improve student safety at school pickup time with a new combined pickup / drop off zone for the Musgrave Hill State and Southport Special Schools.
Protecting Independent Public Schools
Almost all of our local schools are IPS Schools, including Arundel State School, Southport High, Musgrave Hill and Southport Special School. This system has been incredibly beneficial to schools, with noticeable improvements in student attendance, teacher retention and overall satisfaction amongst staff, students and parents. Labor won’t commit to continuing the IPS initiative if they win government again. This is a worrying prospect for our local schools.
I’m committed to fighting for the IPS program and believe strongly that the evidence speaks for itself.
Southport Independent State High School’s new building in 2020.